Focus on This, Not That
The online fitness space, magazines, and the people in our lives tend to make things much more complicated than they need to be. Try focusing on just a handful of things, and ditch the rest!
Focus on the Basics, Instead of Overcomplicating Exercise
Squat, hinge, push, pull, carry. Get really good at these movements, then add in variety and progressions. Stop chasing soreness as a “good” workout, and instead focus on being consistent with your program while focusing on progressive overload.
Choose Exercises that Work Well for YOU, Instead of what Everyone Else is Doing
You don’t need to do barbell back squats just because everyone else on Instagram is doing them. Choose exercises that align with YOUR goals and provide the stimulus you’re looking for. The exercises you include in your program should have a purpose, even if that purpose is solely for fun. Not only will you see better results by focusing on exercises that align with your goals, but you’re also more likely to stick to your program.
Aim for ~80% Consistency, Instead of 100% “All or Nothing”
You don’t have to be perfect 100% of the time to achieve results, you just have to be mostly consistent! Being too strict isn’t sustainable, and in my opinion, it’s definitely not fun. Your fitness and nutrition goals should add to your life, rather than taking away everything you love.
Consume Enough Food for Your Training, Instead of Being in a Deficit All the Time
A deficit isn’t necessary 24/7/365. Also, the anabolic window isn’t really that important (and not really a thing!). You won’t lose your goals if you don’t smash some protein as you’re walking out the gym doors, but you do need to make sure you’re consuming enough total calories throughout the entire day to support your training (and life) goals.
Prioritize Your Sleep, Instead of Supplements
You don’t need super expensive supplements that don’t really do anything anyway (I’m looking at you, BCAAs). Your time is much better spent focusing on creating a better sleep routine. Although it’s always easier said than done, consider putting your phone away an hour or two before your bedtime, picking up a book, and making your room dark and cool. Your sleep is much more important to your progress than you likely think it is.